Del Mar Energy Inc.
oil and gas producer
1Q - opening of the holding company
1Q - installation of the first filters on a production facility
1Q - opening of the first rigs in the Jack field
1Q - purchase of additional territories in the Jack field
2Q - opening of the first oil rigs
2Q - opening of additional rigs
2Q - purchase of land for resale to other companies
2Q - conduct a series of investor education webinars
3Q - first joint project of the company
3Q - commencement of development of gas production facilities
3Q - launch of 5 large gas production points
3Q - large-scale modernization of the holding's projects
4Q - completion of the first development contracts
4Q - holding of 600 investors
4Q - 900 investors holdings
4Q - design of the first thermal power plant
1Q - commencement of construction of the first thermal power plant
1Q - the company changes from a closed investment system to an open one
1Q - opening of new properties in New Mexico
1Q - Discovery of a number of fields in the United States
2Q - the holding has 1400 investors
2Q - test introduction of referral system
2Q - first company events in New York
2Q - Increased distributions to investors
3Q - first railroad track laying works
3Q - first oil and gas production facilities on the subsea shelf
3Q - BAGGETT 1-8D discovery
3Q - Holding of 1,800 investors
4Q - a number of exclusive bonus programs for investors
4Q - geological exploration of areas for mineral deposits
4Q - first Del Mar Energy Inc. charity event
4Q - Holding a number of offline training events for the holding company's investors
1Q - Design of renewable energy production facilities
1Q - Bailey 1-3 complex opens
1Q - Opening of ELENBURG 1-8 oil production tower complex
1Q - Opening of first renewable energy production facilities
2Q - Construction of recycling factories
2Q - Thomas Lieberman takes over as Director of Public Affairs
2Q - Construction of Guru Gobind Singh Refinery
2Q - Expansion into European markets
3Q - Holding has 2000 investors
3Q - Construction work on Iowa HPP-2 underway
3Q - Purchase of 124 hectares of land in Texas
3Q - Creation of Del Mar GSH A1-C3 purification systems
4Q - Participation of Del Mar Energy Inc. speakers at an international forum in China
4Q - Del Mar Energy Inc. converts to the fountain method of gas production
4Q - Opening of 6 research centers to search for potential fields
4Q - Submission of the company's first tender application
1Q - Development of transportation routes to Europe
1Q - First government order for Del Mar Energy Inc to export oil to Europe
1Q - Del Mar Energy's first award for “Reducing Potential Environmental Risk in Production”
1Q - Company transition to a private financing financial model
2Q - Company counts 3000 investors
2Q - Development of the first fields in Europe
2Q - Full introduction of referral system as a marketing tool
2Q - Opening of GALATIAN 1-4 gas production facility complex
3Q - Construction of the Jinping-1 arch dam
3Q - Completion of construction of Jaisalmer Wind Park
3Q - Constructed the Grande Prairie Wind Farm wind farm
3Q - Construction of EL ROMEO SOLAR PARK in Chile
4Q - Del Mar Energy opens its own universities
4Q - First Del Mar Energy Inc event in Europe
4Q - Company counts 5,000 investors
4Q - Groundbreaking of AIRHART 1-2 oil production project in Runnels County
1Q - Receiving a state award for creating an export oil standard
1Q - Del Mar Energy Inc's first tender in excess of $100,000,000,000
1Q - Holding of 8,000 investors
1Q - Winning the tender for the construction of a highway in France
2Q - Opening of first production facilities for industrial solar panels for businesses
2Q - Completion of construction of the Gordon Butte Pumped Storage Project hydro storage facility
2Q - A number of events in Europe
2Q - Begin development of PERC technology coating for solar power plants
3Q - Completion of the Benban solar park in Mexico
3Q - Opening of the Brewer 1A-3A oil production tower network
3Q - Foundation of the STIMPSON C.H. gas production facilities complex. -B- LEASE
3Q - Construction of Baihethan hydroelectric dam power plant
4Q - Construction of the Mato Grosso-Cuiaba railroad line
4Q - Completion of the Pavagada Solar Park
4Q - construction of Cauchari Solar Plant photovoltaic plant
4Q - Establishment of our own construction and transportation equipment
1Q - Opening of 2 additional research centers
1Q - Receive a commendation from America's government and Texas Senator for boosting the economy
1Q - Improvement of Del Mar Energy Inc solar panels with technologies to increase efficiency by 20%
1Q - Opening of a new private representative office in Dallas
2Q - Opening 20 wind platforms in the Americas
2Q - Opening Del Mar Energy's own solar panel manufacturing facility for wholesale and retail sales
2Q - 2nd tranche of oil transportation to Turkey via the North Atlantic Ocean and the Strait of Gibraltar
2Q - Submission of an application for participation in a tender
3Q - Upgrade equipment at McGinnes Hills geothermal complex
3Q - First tranche of oil to Turkey under state tender
3Q - Gayane discovery
3Q - Integration of Smart Grid into 90% of oil facilities
4Q - Finalize delivery of experimental solar panels for the Olahoma Power Plant
4Q - Del Mar Energy International Forum in Indonesia
4Q - Holding of 30,000 investors
4Q - Third round of oil exports to Turkey
1Q - opening of the holding company
2Q - opening of the first oil rigs
3Q - first joint project of the company
4Q - completion of the first development contracts
1Q - installation of the first filters on a production facility
2Q - opening of additional rigs
3Q - commencement of development of gas production facilities
4Q - holding of 600 investors
1Q - opening of the first rigs in the Jack field
2Q - purchase of land for resale to other companies
3Q - launch of 5 large gas production points
4Q - 900 investors holdings
1Q - purchase of additional territories in the Jack field
2Q - conduct a series of investor education webinars
3Q - large-scale modernization of the holding's projects
4Q - design of the first thermal power plant
1Q - commencement of construction of the first thermal power plant
2Q - the holding has 1400 investors
3Q - first railroad track laying works
4Q - a number of exclusive bonus programs for investors
1Q - the company changes from a closed investment system to an open one
2Q - test introduction of referral system
3Q - first oil and gas production facilities on the subsea shelf
4Q - geological exploration of areas for mineral deposits
1Q - opening of new properties in New Mexico
2Q - first company events in New York
3Q - BAGGETT 1-8D discovery
4Q - first Del Mar Energy Inc. charity event
1Q - Discovery of a number of fields in the United States
2Q - Increased distributions to investors
3Q - Holding of 1,800 investors
4Q - Holding a number of offline training events for the holding company's investors
1Q - Design of renewable energy production facilities
2Q - Construction of recycling factories
3Q - Holding has 2000 investors
4Q - Participation of Del Mar Energy Inc. speakers at an international forum in China
1Q - Bailey 1-3 complex opens
2Q - Thomas Lieberman takes over as Director of Public Affairs
3Q - Construction work on Iowa HPP-2 underway
4Q - Del Mar Energy Inc. converts to the fountain method of gas production
1Q - Opening of ELENBURG 1-8 oil production tower complex
2Q - Construction of Guru Gobind Singh Refinery
3Q - Purchase of 124 hectares of land in Texas
4Q - Opening of 6 research centers to search for potential fields
1Q - Opening of first renewable energy production facilities
2Q - Expansion into European markets
3Q - Creation of Del Mar GSH A1-C3 purification systems
4Q - Submission of the company's first tender application
1Q - Development of transportation routes to Europe
2Q - Company counts 3000 investors
3Q - Construction of the Jinping-1 arch dam
4Q - Del Mar Energy opens its own universities
1Q - First government order for Del Mar Energy Inc to export oil to Europe
2Q - Development of the first fields in Europe
3Q - Completion of construction of Jaisalmer Wind Park
4Q - First Del Mar Energy Inc event in Europe
1Q - Del Mar Energy's first award for “Reducing Potential Environmental Risk in Production”
2Q - Full introduction of referral system as a marketing tool
3Q - Constructed the Grande Prairie Wind Farm wind farm
4Q - Company counts 5,000 investors
1Q - Company transition to a private financing financial model
2Q - Opening of GALATIAN 1-4 gas production facility complex
3Q - Construction of EL ROMEO SOLAR PARK in Chile
4Q - Groundbreaking of AIRHART 1-2 oil production project in Runnels County
1Q - Receiving a state award for creating an export oil standard
2Q - Opening of first production facilities for industrial solar panels for businesses
3Q - Completion of the Benban solar park in Mexico
4Q - Construction of the Mato Grosso-Cuiaba railroad line
1Q - Del Mar Energy Inc's first tender in excess of $100,000,000,000
2Q - Completion of construction of the Gordon Butte Pumped Storage Project hydro storage facility
3Q - Opening of the Brewer 1A-3A oil production tower network
4Q - Completion of the Pavagada Solar Park
1Q - Holding of 8,000 investors
2Q - A number of events in Europe
3Q - Foundation of the STIMPSON C.H. gas production facilities complex. -B- LEASE
4Q - construction of Cauchari Solar Plant photovoltaic plant
1Q - Winning the tender for the construction of a highway in France
2Q - Begin development of PERC technology coating for solar power plants
3Q - Construction of Baihethan hydroelectric dam power plant
4Q - Establishment of our own construction and transportation equipment
1Q - Opening of 2 additional research centers
2Q - Opening 20 wind platforms in the Americas
3Q - Upgrade equipment at McGinnes Hills geothermal complex
4Q - Finalize delivery of experimental solar panels for the Olahoma Power Plant
1Q - Receive a commendation from America's government and Texas Senator for boosting the economy
2Q - Opening Del Mar Energy's own solar panel manufacturing facility for wholesale and retail sales
3Q - First tranche of oil to Turkey under state tender
4Q - Del Mar Energy International Forum in Indonesia
1Q - Improvement of Del Mar Energy Inc solar panels with technologies to increase efficiency by 20%
2Q - 2nd tranche of oil transportation to Turkey via the North Atlantic Ocean and the Strait of Gibraltar
3Q - Gayane discovery
4Q - Holding of 30,000 investors
1Q - Opening of a new private representative office in Dallas
2Q - Submission of an application for participation in a tender
3Q - Integration of Smart Grid into 90% of oil facilities
4Q - Third round of oil exports to Turkey
Our operational structure
Del Mar Energy allocates capital to realizable capital at the time of investment objects. Investments and accrual of dividends are made in the base currency - the US dollars (USD). Dividends are accrued on account of those objects, that have already been realized and are consistently profitable. Such a model is used to preserve working capital. Thus, investors make huge profits in the short term, and the holding company in the Long-term.

Del Mar Energy Inc. will use the received funds to develop production facilities in oil, gas, coal, power energy, road building and renewable energy production. Financing of the holding company's business lines is provided by the authorized capital of of $50,000,000 held in an independent depository by Deloitte. If due to any circumstances, the holding company will be unable to fulfill its financial liabilities to investors, then some of the holding company's facilities and other assets that are ensured by such investments will be sold, which will provide a refund to customers.
Mechanism for ensuring the safety of holding company assets:
Selecting an asset to secure funds contributed to the holding company
Independent expert assessment of the market value of assets serving as collateral pledge
Financial calculations of a reasonable ratio of assets pledged and invested funds
Conclusion of an agreement on financing industrial facilities
Acceptance of funds to finance facilities and their further distribution across funds secured by authorized capital
How to become an investor?
Opportunity to finance industrial facilities of Del Mar Energy Inc is available for individuals, companies and those accredited investors, that have an opportunity to finance projects that are participating in governmental tenders. Funds under the agreement are deposited either online or through the company's licensed offices. To participate, you have to register on our official platform, choose a convenient way to replenish the internal balance, deposit funds and select the financed object
30 000
$850 M
In Dividends Paid
$330 M
Has Already Been Raised
$2.5 B